Mom is overjoyed for her “Little Warrior,” who was born with one arm and no legs due to a birth defect

A mum whose son was born without legs and with one arm with a webbed hand says she never considered terminating her pregnancy as she praised her ‘perfect’ little boy.

Rosie, 29, discovered at her 20-week scan that her unborn son was likely to have Amniotic Band Syndrome – where strands in the womb entangle a baby’s limbs and inhibit proper growth.

Rosie said: “It was scary at times being pregnant.

“I had scans every four weeks – they kept a close eye because every scan was saying something different. It was fine when I was at work since I didn’t think too much. However, when I had to quit working, I found myself overthinking things.

“I was worried something might go wrong. But he is such a happy chap and doesn’t let his disability hold him back in any way.”

She added: “He’s got a cheeky smile and he’s always laughing. He loves his big sister. He might not have all of his arms and legs, but he’s absolutely perfect to me.”

In Harrow, London’s Northwick Park Hospital, he was born on May 13, 2021. Henry was delivered through cesarean at a healthy 8 lbs 2 oz. Dad Peter picked little Henry up and brought him over to Rosie and placed him in her arms.

Rosie Said: “As he passed me the little boy I fell in love.”

Grandma Paula also loves her little grandchild and knits his own clothes.

Henry’s clothing requires a lot of effort to put on; you have to fold everything up to avoid an odd appearance. Grandma Paula made him little clothes as a result.

“She absolutely adores him and says he’s amazing, she doesn’t talk much about his limbs. People just accept him for who he is.”

Henry’s brother and sister welcomed him in love, he also enjoyed playing with his siblings.

Little Henry is hitting all the milestones he should be – he’s able to lift objects up, lift his head up, and roll over.

Henry had surgery at Great Ormond Street to separate his webbed hand and is “progressing really well”.

“He might not have all of his arms and legs,” Rosie remarked, “but he’s completely wonderful to me.”

Peter and Rosie hope that their story will convince adults that it’s okay for their children to be different.

Rosie said: “He’s able to pick things up without any problems which is really surprising. He’s progressing really well.

Henry is such a joyful person who doesn’t let his disability stand in the way of his joy. He flirts and has a perpetual grin and sly smirk. He is quite fond of his older sibling.

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