A huge skeleton was found by researchers in the Sahara Desert!

According to a recent study, the first full ancient skeleton of a person with gigantism has been found close to Rome.
The man would have been considered enormous in third-century A.D. Rome, where men typically stood approximately 5 and a half feet (167 centimeters) tall. The tallest man alive today is 8 feet, 3 inches tall (251 centimeters).

According to study leader Simona Minozzi, a paleopathologist at Italy’s University of Pisa, two partial skeletons, one from Poland and the other from Egypt, have previously been identified as “probable” cases of gigantism. However, the Roman specimen is the first definitive case from the ancient past.

There were around 80 skeletons in Necropolis’ collection, and the majority of them were complete. They also discovered a preserved pottery jug with grain in it. The cemetery, however, was only recently found by the townspeople in the apple orchard that was being planted.

They also found an intact skeleton, jewelry, and vessel fragments, notably a 3-meter statue, in addition to the large skulls. Locals claim that even at this point a group of archaeologists and drove discoveries discovery was forgotten.

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