The survival story of Ward Miles, born 15 weeks premature, has captivated and moved countless people, touching upon the boundless happiness of his mother at his survival.
While all babies are born tiny, Ward’s story is truly extraordinary. Born at nearly 5.5 months into pregnancy, Ward has overcome incredible odds with the love and care of his parents, as well as the support of dedicated doctors and nurses. Ward’s miraculous first year of life was beautifully documented by Benjamin Miller, a photographer. This video, which offers encouragement and hope to mothers of premature babies, garnered 4.5 million views on YouTube within four days.
“I was so worried about him. It wasn’t his fault. There was no way he could fix it. We couldn’t fix anything. The doctors couldn’t fix anything. It was a terrible feeling. All we could do was pray,” the father later reflected.
The video begins with the new mom, Lyndsey, gently picking up her son, who weighed only 680 grams, roughly the size of a mother’s hand. Ward was born 15 weeks premature at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and his entire body was covered with wires and equipment, a sight that would move any viewer to tears.
Under the guidance of nurses, Lyndsey settles into a chair, cradling her tiny son against her chest. She smiles at the camera, but soon the overwhelming emotions of the moment bring tears to her eyes. This emotional scene is just one of many in the couple’s roller coaster journey following the premature birth of their son on July 16, 2012.
Most of the medical equipment was carefully removed from the baby and wrapped in a diaper.
A miracle occurred. After his first 107 days of life in the hospital, Ward Miles finally went home on October 31, 2012.
Mr. Miller expressed his gratitude: “It was such an amazing feeling to have him home, where he belonged. The family could not have coped with their ordeal without the love and prayers of family and thousands of friends and supporters, some of whom they had never met. I want to thank all the doctors, nurses, and staff all over the world that make it their life’s mission to help babies get better! It’s because of you that my son ever stood a chance to make it home.”
Ward is no longer tube-fed; he can hold the bottle himself.
“This is why abortion should be illegal. What a beautiful video. I am a new father myself, and I couldn’t imagine life without her. I hope nobody saw me crying at work. lol. God bless them and hope they have many more years together,” one person commented.
“My son was only 2 weeks early but spent those two weeks in the N.I.C.U with severe respiratory problems. I cannot imagine what these parents went through, but I’m happy their son is doing well. Enjoy him every day,” another added.