Because of your 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥, eʋen the proudest fatherly tiмes мust Ƅecoмe ʋulneraƄle

The Most Powerful Fatherhood Moments – Love Dad
Adorable images and stories about dads, their love and their impact on the little ones.
The idea behind the account is not only to showcase the beauty of fatherly love, but also to encourage all fathers to be involved in the lives of kids from a really young age. “I don’t  baby sit, I parent.” And this is exactly what every one of these amazing men does.

Because Dads Are Born Too, And Magic Happens In That Moment

Unconditional Love. You Just Don’t Know Until You Become A Parent. It’s Incredible! You Are Capable. You Are Enough. You Are Their Everything

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