Stunned the ghost sea holding 12 ships full of treasures

According to British scholars, the first ship to be trapped by this eerie sea may have been built in 300 BC.

The largest treasure ship was relatively “new,” vanished in 1630, and was loaded with costly pottery from India, China, and Italy. These relics are quite old, therefore the water really does hold a great treasure.

The Levantine Sea is a region in the eastern Mediterranean that was the site of an expedition led by the shipwreck recovery company Enigma Recoveries that was astounded by what they discovered.

Their ocean research robot discovered 12 ships of varying eras that were all sunk and lying in the same place at a depth of about 2 km, rather than a wreck. confined space, creating a terrifying underwater world.

The earliest vessels transporting cargo from the Greek, Roman, and Ottoman empires… The most prominent of these is a mysterious spice and a type of silk that has never been seen before and is claimed to have traveled from China to ancient Persia.

The largest ship was the aforementioned pottery vessel from the 17th century; it was so large that it could transport two other commerce ships of average size across the ocean.

The first relics have now been discovered and transported to Cyprus, a neighbouring island. Some of the china pulled from the phantom sea is still brand new from when it was dropped because it was buried in the dirt!

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