The picture of a dog wrestling a hedgehog is both heartbreaking and amusing.

Adriano Bertoline, a resident of Araras in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, found it quite odd that his pet dog Thor was howling in pain early on February 20.

Adriano approached and realized something was off about his 3-year-old pet dog Thor. Many porcine spines could be seen covering its face, neck, front legs, and even its tail.

If you pull out the porcupine spines incorrectly, the wound will be more difficult to heal because the porcupine spines all have sharp spines. So Adriano decided to take Thor to the doctor. Adriano was struggling financially, so he turned to the internet for help.

“Good day, everyone. My pet dog was in this state when I woke up this morning. Is there a medical facility or animal clinic that could treat him? Adriano expressed his financial inability to pay on social media.
Dr. Jose Roberto Apolari, a council member, volunteered to assist Adriano after seeing his request.
“The only angel that saved my dog was Dr. Apolari. I can’t afford to pay my own vet because I’m unemployed and have to take care of my four children, Adriano stated.

Fortunately, Thor found support from one kind person.
Later, Mr. Adriano said that Mr. Apolari had taken the dog to a single animal hospital, paid for the removal of the porcupine spikes, and brought Thor back to his family.
This was the second time in just one year that Thor’s owner claimed that it “clashed” with hedgehogs. Thor also engaged in a hedgehog fight in February 2021 and was injured by spikes from the animal. Fortunately, Adriano received assistance from one of his friends who works at a private veterinary facility.
How the hedgehog approached Thor is obvious.

How the hedgehog approached Thor is obvious.

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