The Valley of Whale, which dates back millions of years, is located in the center of Egypt’s desert. Ancient ascetic houses are arriving

The Valley of Whales, also known as Wadi El Hitan, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located about 160 kilometers from the Pyramids at Giza in Egypt’s desert.

This site guards the secret of one of the most remarkable transformations in the evolution of life on Earth. Approximately 40 million years ago, the vast prehistoric Tethys ocean was home to numerous creatures, including massive beasts, some of which were over 50 feet long with massive jaws and jagged teeth.

Over time, the creatures died and sank to the prehistoric ocean seafloor, and sediment built up over their bones. As the prehistoric sea receded and transformed into a vast desert, the protective mantle of sediment eventually covered the whales, preserving them for time to come.

For many years, this site remained hidden beneath the golden sands of Egypt, but massive fossils of the long-gone beasts were eventually revealed.The site is of great importance, despite the lack of pyramids, temples, or mummies buried there.

The evolution of life on Earth is one of the most remarkable things that has ever happened on our planet, and the Valley of Whales is a living testament to this incredible process.
The site is a reminder of the ancient past and the secrets that lie buried beneath our feet, waiting to be discovered.

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