These twins, who were born holding hands after birth, are now closer than ever

The newborn twins in Akron are defying the odds and capturing the hearts of the entire world. A photo of them holding hands at birth is vsmelling viral. ‘Mono мono’ twins Jenna and Jillian Thistlewaite developed within the same amniotic sac. A rare set of ‘mono mono’ twins have been filmed holding hands moments after they were born.

They are identical twins. Jenna and Jullian were born holding hands. The girls were born with a rare condition, which occurs in only 1 in 10,000 births. Jenna and Jillian were born to C-section in Ohio, USA. The sisters were born 45 seconds apart, and once they were close enough to each other, they held hands.

“In that moment, my heart melted,” said the girls’ mother. “Even my husband had tears in his eyes; It seems that everyone who was in the room at that moment had wet eyes”.

The girls needed special care shortly after birth to help with their breathing, but on Sunday, which was Mother’s Sunday in the US, Sarah and Bill were able to hold them properly for the first time. “It’s hard to put into words how amazing it feels to know the girls are doing well,” Sarah said. “It’s great to know they’re doing so well and to be able to hold them, the best Mother’s Day gift ever.”

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