Witness the Extraordinary Journey Through Stunning Birth Story Images

Every now and then, a story unfolds that is so extraordinary, it transcends the boundaries of words and finds its true expression in the language of images. Such is the tale of Hilde Kristine, Christian, and their beautiful daughter, Julie. Their remarkable journey is a testament to love, hope, and the unbreakable bonds that form the foundation of family.

A Dream Deferred, A Dream Realized

Hilde Kristine, at 22 years old, had dreams of motherhood that were abruptly shattered by a life-altering diagnosis. In 2008, she received the devastating news of having a rare form of cervical cancer. The treatment, which involved radiation and chemotherapy, carried with it the heart-wrenching revelation that she would never be able to conceive and bear children of her own.

“The whole world collapsed. It was actually harder than being told I had cancer,” Hilde recalls. “Having children and starting a family has always been very important to me. I am a person who has always dreamed of becoming a mother.”

It was a challenging message to receive as a young student with a boyfriend and a future filled with plans. Yet, she had Christian by her side, a steadfast support, and together, they faced this daunting chapter of their lives.


A Triumph Over Adversity

Hilde underwent rigorous cancer treatment at Haukeland and Radiumhospitalet, emerging cancer-free within the same year, thanks to her unwavering resilience. With cancer behind them, Hilde and Christian began exploring avenues to fulfill their dream of parenthood. These post-illness years became a continuous process of seeking a path to become parents.

Adoption crossed their minds, but the lengthy and unpredictable waiting times made it an impractical choice. Surrogacy, though not their initial consideration, soon emerged as a possibility. Their knowledge about surrogacy was limited, but a newfound friend, connected through the Gynecological Association, provided invaluable insights into the surrogacy process.

In Canada, where surrogacy is legal, it operates on altruistic principles, with surrogates volunteering their services without monetary compensation beyond pregnancy and childbirth-related expenses.

A Remarkable Connection Across Oceans

In January 2015, their surrogacy journey commenced, and six months later, something extraordinary happened. “It was a fantastic day. You don’t know how long you have to wait to be chosen,” Hilde reflects. “It was unreal that someone on the other side of the globe would help us with such a big thing as having children. It is an absolutely wonderful thing to do for others.”

The future parents and their surrogate, Amy, built a connection through email and Skype, getting to know each other before embarking on this life-changing journey. Their surrogacy journey involved the creation of embryos through egg donation, which were then implanted into Amy’s uterus at a clinic.


Surrogacy is not permitted in Norway, but it is not illegal to have a child with the help of a surrogate abroad. Hilde got to know someone who later became a good friend through the Gynecological Association, who herself had become a mother of twins in Canada. “She gave us a lot of information about the surrogacy process. We also got a more nuanced picture of what surrogacy can actually be.”

In Canada, only what is called “altruistic surrogacy” is legal, which means that those who are surrogates do not get paid to act as surrogate mothers. It must be done voluntarily. You only cover the surrogate’s expenses related to pregnancy and birth.

In January 2015, the process started and it happened about six months later. “It was a fantastic day. You don’t know how long you have to wait to be chosen. It was unreal that someone on the other side of the globe would help us with such a big thing as having children. It is an absolutely wonderful thing to do for others.”

They had contact with their future surrogate mother, Amy, via email and Skype to get to know each other better before they agreed that this was right for all parties. Surrogacy today mainly takes place when a ꜰᴇʀᴛɪʟɪᴢᴇᴅ ᴇɢɢ (ᴇᴍʙʀʏᴏ) is inserted into the surrogate’s ᴜᴛᴇʀᴜs in a clinic. For Hilde and Christian, ᴇᴍʙʀʏᴏs were created using egg donation, and Amy eventually became pregnant with their child. A small miracle was on its way! In week 20, they went to Canada and had an ᴜʟᴛʀᴀsᴏᴜɴᴅ where they found out that there was a little girl growing in Amy’s stomach. Four weeks before the due date, they went back again to attend the birth.

A Miracle Unfolds

The moment of truth arrived, and in week 20, they traveled to Canada for an ultrasound that revealed a little girl growing within Amy’s womb. Four weeks before her due date, they returned to Canada, filled with anticipation and excitement. On June 29, 2016, little Julie entered the world, ten days ahead of schedule.

Hilde and Christian were present during Julie’s birth, and in a moment filled with overwhelming emotions, Hilde held Julie in her arms for the first time. “We are eternally grateful that Amy has helped us become a family of three.”

The Unspoken Bond

Many wonder how a woman can carry a child for nine months and then part with the baby at birth. Amy, the surrogate mother, has a poignant answer: “This was never my child. I’m not giving it up; I’m giving it back.”

Two months after Julie’s birth, Hilde and Christian returned to Norway with their precious daughter. Their bond with Amy and her family remained strong, a testament to the profound connection forged through this extraordinary journey.

This story is one of love, resilience, and the incredible capacity of the human spirit to overcome obstacles. Through stunning birth story images, we witness the extraordinary journey of Hilde Kristine, Christian, and Julie, a journey that reminds us that love knows no boundaries and that dreams, even when deferred, can indeed come true.




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